Past Events

Ramification in Higher Algebra

John Berman (University of Massachusetts)

I will review the theory of ramification in number theory and then show that being totally ramified or unramified is equivalent to a natural condition in higher algebra. This leads to a much simplified calculation of THH of a ring of integers in a number field, relying on ramified descent (a kind of weaker etale descent).

Persistent cup-length

Ling Zhou (The Ohio State University)


Cohomological ideas have recently been injected into persistent homology and have for example been used for accelerating the calculation of persistence diagrams by softwares, such as Ripser. The cup product operation which is available at cohomology level gives rise to a graded ring structure that extends the usual vector space structure and is therefore able to extract and encode additional rich information. The maximum number of cocycles having non-zero cup product yields an invariant, the cup-length, which is useful for discriminating spaces. In this talk, we lift the cup-length into the persistent cup-length function for the purpose of capturing ring-theoretic information about the evolution of the cohomology (ring) structure across a filtration. We show that the persistent cup-length function can be computed from a family of representative cocycles and devise a polynomial time algorithm for its computation. We furthermore show that this invariant is stable under suitable interleaving-type distances.

Tracking Topological Features Across Neural Stimulus Spaces

Chad Giusti (University of Delaware)

Effective constructions in algebraic topology and topological data analysis

Anibal Medina-Mardones (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics)


In order to incorporate ideas from algebraic topology in concrete contexts such as topological data analysis and topological lattice field theories, one needs effective constructions of concepts defined only abstractly or axiomatically. In this talk, I will discuss such constructions for certain invariants derived from the cup product on the cohomology of spaces or, more specifically, from an E∞-structure on their cochains. Together with allowing for the concrete computation of finer cohomological invariants in persistent homology -Steenrod barcodes- these effective constructions also reveal combinatorial information connected to convex geometry and higher category theory.

Motivic Euler characteristics and the Motivic Segal-Becker theorem (Remotely)

Roy Joshua (The Ohio State University)

A well-known and very useful result in algebraic topology is the statement that the Euler characteristic of G/N(T) in singular cohomology is 1, where G is a compact Lie group and N(T) is the normalizer of a maximal torus. In the presence of a transfer map as constructed by Becker and Gottlieb the above result shows that in any generalized cohomology theory the classifying space of G is a split summand of the classifying space of N(T).

Based on this, Fabien Morel made a conjecture that an analogous motivic Euler characteristic for a split reductive group G over a field k and N(T) the normalizer of a split maximal torus is 1. We will sketch a proof of this conjecture in the first part of the talk under the assumption the base field has a square root of -1. In the second part of the talk we will apply this result to prove what we call a motivic Segal-Becker theorem for Algebraic K-Theory.

All of this is based on joint work with Gunnar Carlsson and Pablo Pelaez.

Invertibility in Category Representations

Sanjeevi Krishnan (The Ohio State University)


It is often desirable to equip a representation of a poset or more general small category with inner products on the relevant vector spaces so that the linear maps are partial isometries, maps which restrict to isometries on orthogonal complements of kernels. This sort of inner product structure can be used, for example, to simply representations of interest in multidimensional persistence, circuit design, and network coding. The existence of suitable inner product structure is much more difficult to ascertain in the general categorical setting than in the group setting. However, we can characterize the existence of a slightly weaker inner product structure as factorizability of the representation through a special dagger category called an inverse category. This factorizability admits a coordinate-free, numerical characterization that is decidable for finite categories. We give some concrete applications in circuit design. Time-permitting, we will discuss some connections between this work and a nascent theory (by others) of principle S-bundles for S an inverse semigroup. This talk is joint work with Crichton Ogle.

Limits of Dense Simplicial Complexes

Santiago Segarra (Rice University)


We develop a theory of limits for sequences of dense abstract simplicial complexes, where a sequence is considered convergent if its homomorphism densities converge. The limiting objects are represented by stacks of measurable [0,1]-valued functions on unit cubes of increasing dimension, each corresponding to a dimension of the abstract simplicial complex. We show that convergence in homomorphism density implies convergence in a cut-metric, and vice versa, as well as showing that simplicial complexes sampled from the limit objects closely resemble its structure. Applying this framework, we also partially characterize the convergence of nonuniform hypergraphs.

Coarse coherence of metric spaces and groups

Boris Goldfarb (State University of New York - Albany)

I will introduce properties of metric spaces and, specifically, finitely generated groups with word metrics which are called “coarse coherence” and “coarse regular coherence”. They are geometric counterparts of the classical notion of coherence in homological algebra and the regular coherence property of groups defined and studied by Waldhausen. The properties make sense in the general context of coarse metric geometry and are coarse invariants of spaces and groups. They are in fact a weakening of Waldhausen's regular coherence. In a joint project with Gunnar Carlsson we show they can be used as effectively in K-theory computations. The family of all coarsely regular coherent groups is a very large class of groups containing all groups with straight finite decomposition complexity. This includes almost all known fundamental groups of aspherical manifolds. The new framework allows to prove structural results for the family by developing permanence properties of coarse coherence, a joint work with Jonathan Grossman.

Homology crowding in configuration spaces of disks

Hannah Alpert (Auburn University)

Configuration spaces of disks in a region of the plane vary according to the radius of the disks, and their topological invariants such as homology also vary. Realizing a given homology class means coordinating the motion of several disks, and if there is not enough space for the disks to move, the homology class vanishes. We explore how clusters of orbiting disks can get too crowded, some topological conjectures that describe this behavior, and some progress toward those conjectures.

Braids and Hopf algebras

Craig Westerland (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)


The Milnor–Moore theorem identifies a large class of Hopf algebras as enveloping algebras of the Lie algebras of their primitives. If we broaden our definition of a Hopf algebra to that of a braided Hopf algebra, much of this structure theory falls apart. The most obvious reason is that the primitives in a braided Hopf algebra no longer form a Lie algebra. In this talk, we will discuss recent work to understand what precisely is the algebraic structure of the primitives in a braided Hopf algebra in order to “repair” the Milnor–Moore theorem in this setting. It turns out that this structure is closely related to the dualizing module for the braid groups, which implements dualities in the (co)homology of the braid groups.