Bounding my Erdös number
Douglas N. Arnold

Paul Erdös (1913-1996) was one of the most prolific mathematicians of all time. He authored or coauthored around 1500 articles and books. The Erdös number measures the distance of a given mathematician from Erdös on a graph whose edges denote the relationship of coauthorship (see the Erdös Number Project Home Page for details). Thus, to establish a bound of 3 for mine, it suffices to supply the following citations. Although I believe that this bound is sharp, a lower bound is more difficult to demonstrate, particularly since the Erdös number is a time-dependent (monotonically non-increasing) function.

Erdös, P., Janson, S., Luczak, T. and Spencer, J., A note on triangle-free graphs. Random discrete structures (Minneapolis, 1993), IMA Vol. Math. Appl. 76, Springer, New York (1996), 117-119.

Beckner, W., Janson, S. and Jerison, D., Convolution inequalities on the circle. Conference on harmonic analysis in honor of Antoni Zygmund (Chicago, Ill., 1981), Wadsworth, Belmont (1983), 32–43.

Arnold, D., David, G., Filoche, M., Jerison, D. and Mayboroda, S., Localization of eigenfunctions via an effective potential. Comm. Partial Differential Equations. 44 (2019), no. 11, 1186-1216.

Updated August 3, 2021